Monday, October 19, 2009

In a Roundabout Way

Anybody who drives in Conway knows about the trials and tribulations of taking our lives in our hands on our public road system. We don't have the luxury of leisurely driving to our destination without a care in the world. Due diligence is mandatory at all times while traversing the curiously designed city streets. Don't get me wrong, I love this city...wouldn't trade it for any other. It's just that our avenues can be challenging. Try driving a 37 foot RV down Harkrider around 5pm on Friday (as I have done) and you will be a believer.

I'm sure most people in town have seen the road construction in front of Hendrix College and have wondered what the plan was for that area. Well, it is NOT going to be another Roundabout. It will be two.

Love 'em or hate 'em, roundabouts are here to stay. Personally, I love them. I think they make the traffic much smoother and more intuitive for the driver. They are simple in design and function. There is next to zero cost of maintenance (no traffic lights to burn out). And, with the exception of the minimum 87 yield signs per intersection, they are even attractive.

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